Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ethical Dilemmas in Technology


PLAGIARISM: The taking of ideas, writing and drawings, or other similar intellectual property created by others and presenting it as your own. It is generally not a legal issue, such as copyright infringement, but it is an ethical one. Plagiarism is unethical (Bowyer, 2001).

NETIQUETTE: A set of rules (mainly unwritten) to follow while you are online.

Why are more and more students cheating and what can be done to solve this unethical practice?
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 has changed the way our nation views testing and achievement. Educators are held accountable for the academic performance of their students while students are required to meet certain criteria in order to be promoted. As we become more focused on test taking as a measure of achievement, are we encouraging students to cheat their way to a better grade? According to McKeachie & Svinicki (2006) over 400,000 results showed up on Google when "cheating in College" was typed in. Some of the other statistics reported were that cheating among high school students has dramatically increased over the past 50 years, college-bound students who are above average are cheating, and between 75% and 98% of college students who took a survey reported that they have cheated in high school. It is obvious that cheating is not restricted to low performing students.
Why are more students cheating and what can be done to resolve this problem?

Some Important Views......
• Teaching social and ethical issues with computing has become a requirement in Computer Science curricula within the past few years.
• It is important for students to understand the ethical boundaries of technology.
• The Internet offers great riches for the future, but poses many threats.
• Technology requires vigilance.

What do you think about plagiarism and unethical use of technology in educational?

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